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Chat Forum:  Detailed Documentation:
Table of Contents:

  Change Display Forum
  Displaying a Forum Other Than the Default Forum
  The Forum Edit Icon
  The Display Forum Icon
  Change Display Forum
  The Forum Icon
  The Post Edit Icon
  The Post Delete Icon
Forum Site ID
Searching Forums

List Forum
Each forum site has a corresponding host asp file which includes a call to show the designated forum from this forum sites' collection of forums. The host asp file which will call the forum site with a Forum Site ID of 12 will look like this:

    Set ObjForum = Server.CreateObject("EZsiteForum.Forum")

Whenever a visitor links to the asp file with this code within it, your designated forum will be displayed.

This makes it easy to change forums occasionally or regularly. Some sites have different weekly forum discussion groups involving similar issues. This tends to keep the topics of conversation fresh -- increasing return visits.

Change Display Forum:  (click here to return to top)

If your forum site has more than one forum within it's collection, a drop-down list will be displayed at the bottom of the LIST FORUMS menu option page. (With administrative access, each forum site will be listed along with the accompanying forum collections. To reach the Change Display Forum option, select a forum site name). Each of your forums within your forum site will be listed in the drop-down list. When you want to change which of your forums will be the one displayed to visitors, simple select the forum you want within the drop-down list and click on '<< Change Display Forums'. The little arrow and Forum Site ID number will now appear next to your chosen forum.

Displaying a Forum Other Than the Default Forum:  (click here to return to top)

By setting the DefaultForumOff to true, you can replace the ForumSiteID with a ForumID when calling the ShowForum() method. This option is primarily for advanced programmers to display a forum that is not the default forum.

In this example the forum with the ForumID of 6 is displayed:

Set ObjForum = Server.CreateObject("EZsiteForum.Forum")
ObjForum.DefaultForumOff = true

If the DefaultForumOff property had not been set to true in this example, the default forum of forum site number 6 would have been displayed.

ForumID's can be found within the database tables or by setting the ShowForumID property to true -- and thereby displaying the ForumID’s in the forum list within the manager.

'~~~~~ If you want the Forum Id's to show on the
' managers forum list page, set ShowForumID to true
'ObjForum.ShowForumID = true

Note: The ShowForumID property is set within the ForumManager.asp file!

The Forum Edit Icon:  (click here to return to top)

Next to the arrow and Forum Site ID will be a small yellow-orange pencil icon indicating editing. If at any time you want to edit the text (author, title, and body text) within your forum, simple select this edit icon. Editing your forum text is basically the same as entering new forum text with the exception of having your text first displayed for editing. See NEW FORUM for detailed a description of this process.

The Forum Delete Icon:  (click here to return to top)

Next to the edit icon is the delete icon. It appears as a red or maroon tiny pair of scissors. Selecting this icon will bring you to a CONFIRM page. This page asks for you confirmation before permanently deleting your selected forum. Select the DELETE button to confirm your choice. Once delete, a forum cannot be undeleted. Choose wisely.

The Forum Icon:  (click here to return to top)

To the right of the delete icon is the forum icon. This appears as a little yellow file with various colored keys possible on the folder. If the forum is a public forum, the forum icon will have no tiny key within it. A Register icon will have a tiny black colored key while a Private forum will have a red colored key. Monitored forums have the same colored key codes but appear with a dark border surrounding the yellow folder. You can tell the type of forum within your collection at a glance. (These icon, as well as all the icons used within EZsite Forum, are found within the /graphics directory and can be changed by you with any graphics program.)

Selecting the forum icon will display all the posts visitors' or members' have posted to this particular forum. The posts will be displayed in the same threaded tree format as seen within the forum. You may edit or delete visitors' or members' posts from here. This is essential the same page you viewed after you created your new forum. The Change Forum Type, Monitored, and the Change Forum Site selections will be displayed from this page.

The Post Edit Icon:  (click here to return to top)

To edit a visitors or members post, simple select the edit icon. You will be presented with a form to edit the posts' author, title and body text. After editing, select the NEXT button in the upper right-hand corner of the page. The post will be displayed for you to check over your work. Either select the BACK button to re-edit the post or the SAVE button to save it.

The Post Delete Icon:  (click here to return to top)

To permanently delete a visitors' or members' post, select the delete icon next to the post. After confirming your choice, the post will be permanently deleted.

Help:  (click here to return to top)

Selecting the HELP button at the bottom right hand side of the page will display a small help screen. Each of the preceding options will be briefly described. Changing pages through another selection will remove this help text.

MONITORING:  (click here to return to top)

If you have designated your forum to be monitored, all postings will need to be first cleared by you. If you have any posts needing to be cleared, you will see a list of them when entering the EZsite Forum manager. Alternatively, you can see a list of yet un-cleared posts by selecting the MONITORING menu option.

The Monitored Edit and Delete Icons
The list will include edit and delete icons like the ones displayed for editing and deleting posts. Select either of these icons as described in the Post Edit Icon and Post Delete Icon sections above.

The Clear Monitored Post Icon
The monitoring post list also has a small icon that appears like a tiny letter. Selecting this icon will post the visitors' or members' post immediately. You can continue to edit or delete posts by selecting a forums' icon within a forum collection list.

MEMBER REGISTRATION:  (click here to return to top)

When you designate a form type as registered, your forum visitors will need to enter a member name and password before being allowed to post responses to any forums at this forum site. You may also include up to ten other text-input fields on the registration page for members to fill in. Each text-input field will have a title caption you can enter from the REGISTRATION menu option. Each also has the option of being required or not.

Required test-input fields will not allow a registration to be completed before the member fills them in. A required notice will be displayed on the members' registration forum above the input field to indicate that they must complete this particular field before gain access to post a response.

To customize your members' registration form, select the REGISTRATION menu option. Enter the text you want as the registration introduction that appears at the top of your members' registration form. This is a good place to indicate why you are requiring registration for your form site. If you're requiring an e-mail address to be enter by your members, you may want to let them know whether or not you’re going to release their e-mail address to others or whether it will be used by you for announcements. This type of information encourages more successful registrations.

Next enter text in any of the ten Field Caption text-input boxes. Here is where you can ask the members to fill in their address, e-mail, URL, company, job title, or other information. You may want them to enter other products they have purchased from you or their systems platform. If you leave a Field Caption empty it will not appear on your members' registration form.

To make a text-input field required, check the required box.

When you are through designing your members' registration from, click on the SAVE button in the upper right side of the page. You may return to edit your members' registration form at any point. Be warned that the information you collect on members will vary as you edit, add, or delete field captions by leaving them blank.

MEMBERS:  (click here to return to top)

You can view, edit, or delete member's registration information by selecting the MEMBERS menu option. The EZsite Forum administration manager will present a list of forum sites for you to choose from. This choice will display the members' list for that forum site. This member list is the same member list displayed from an EZsite Forum manager accessed for a particular forum site from the password page (non-administer access).

The New Member Input Form
At the top of the members' page you have the option of entering a new members' name and password. This is where you will need to add members for private forums since they have no way of entering this information themselves, unless you have changed from a register forum with members to a private forum.

Enter a member name and password, then click the SAVE button in the upper right side of the page. The member will be added to the list displayed below the new members' input form.

The Members' List
The members' list will display the members' name, password, and date of registration. Only 50 members' names will be displayed at one time, the last member registered being the first on the list. This way you can easily view newer members without scanning through the members' list pages. You may select the next or previous 50 members by clicking the indicated buttons or by using the members' list page menu at the bottom of the list (these options are only displayed when the member count is above 50).

A small silver bar above the members' list will indicate the numerical range of the members listed on this page (1 - 50 of 1087) and include buttons for paging through members' list when more than 50 members are saved. Displaying 50 members at a time speeds up web database display lists and allows you to view the last 50 registered member first, which is typically the ones you'll be interested in. Then members lists is contained in the 'UserTable' of the database used by EZsite Forum and can be used for e-mail lists apart from EZsite Forum.

The Member Edit Icon
You can edit member information by selecting the edit icon next to a members' name (the yellow-orange icon resembling a tiny pencil). The members' registration form will be displayed. Only the text-input fields currently designated by non-empty 'field caption' registration inputs will be displayed. So if you originally filling in 5 field captions and then changed to 3 (by saving the registration form after deleting the text in 2 field captions), only the 3 current fields will now show on both the members registration page and your registration edit page.

Edit a members' information and then click the SAVE button under the member's name and password input form. EZsite Forum will not allow you to save a member name and password if both are already registered within any forum site.

The Member Delete Icon
To permanently remove a member from you members' list, and thus denying access to post without again registering, simply click on the delete icon (tiny reddish scissors) next to a members' name. A confirmation page will be displayed before you can permanently delete the member by selecting the DELETE button.

FORUM SITES:  (click here to return to top)

Initially EZsite Forum ships with a Forum Site name of ‘Forum Site’ and a password of ‘Password’. Entering this name and password in the logon page will access the administration manager. Only from the administration manager can you create other Forum Sites.

Forum Site Name and Password
The forum site page will have two text-input fields in which you can enter a new forum site name and password. If you are using EZsite Forum to manage more than one forum site you will need to create a new forum site for each forum. You will have to have a separate host asp file to display each of your forum sites. This way you can manage a number of forum sites from the EZsite Forum administration manager. Each forum site can have a collection of forums, one of which can be displayed on a particular forum site at one time. (You may also create forum sites without using the Forum Site ID within a host asp file and move old forums into this collection to be archived.)

This is not to be confused with a single forum site, which has the limitation of showing only one of a collection of forums. In this case, there is only one host asp file, which will display the one forum designated as the display forum.

EZsite Forum utilizes this system structure so you also have the option of delegating forum sites to other forum managers. Simply create a new forum site and give the forum site name and password to a forum manager. The forum manager will use this forum site name and password to manager this site without having administrative privileges. The manager of a site can change their forum site name and password anytime. The administrator also has the option of changing any forum site name and password.

A forum site manager can:

• Create a new forum to display at their forum site.
• Maintain a collection of forums available to the forum site.
• Choose which forum from this collection to displayed.
• Edit/delete existing forums.
• Determine a forums' type (public, register, private).
• Determine whether a forum will be monitored or not.
• Edit/delete posted information.
• Enter/edit/delete registration information.
• Clear/edit/delete pending monitored posts.
• View/edit/delete registered users information.
• Enter/remove forum user's name and password.
• Change their own password and/or forum site name.

The administrators functions include the forum site manager privileges for any forum as well as:

• Create or remove forum sites.
• Assign a Forum Site ID at the creation of a forum site.
• Moving forums between different forum sites.

Forum Site ID:  (click here to return to top)
When a master administrator creates a new forum site, a Forum Site ID is assigned to that forum site. The Forum Site ID is any number between 2 and 99 which is not currently already assigned to a forum site. The administrative Forum Site ID is always number 1 and cannot be changed.

Select a Forum Site ID for your new forum site and then click on the ADD FORUM SITE button.

After the forum site has been created you can display its forum by placing the following code in the host asp file:

Set ObjForum = Server.CreateObject("EZsiteForum.Forum")

Notice that the ShowForum() method requires a integer argument. Place the Forum Site ID within this method to call this forum site's forum e.g., ShowForum(3).

Forum Site List
Below the forum site input forum is a list of all the forum sites and passwords within this EZsite Forum. You can permanently delete a forum site by selecting the REMOVE button next to a forum sites' name.

A confirm page will ask for confirmation before deleting and also present you with two other options:

Move forums to admin site rather than delete them.
When you delete a forum site it may have a collection of forums saved under its name. You can choose whether to have all the forums permanently deleted or moved over to the administrative forum. Check or uncheck the check box indicating your choice.

Move members' registration data to admin site rather than delete.
You can also check the check box indicating whether you want to delete any registered members of this forum site or moved them over to the administration forum site.

PASSWORD:  (click here to return to top)

The administrator or manager of a forum site can change the forum site name and/or password of a forum site. Only the administrator has access to change any forum site name or password.

The AspFileURL Property

ObjForum.AspFileURL = "EZsiteForum.asp"

Previously the AspFileURL property was set to the asp file hosting the component. It is now set internally within the EZsite Forum component and can be successfully eliminated. It remains effective for backward compatibility.

The Title Input File
When a visitor responds to a post, the title-input field will now include the title of the post they are responding to preceded by RE:. This only occurs when a visitor is responding to a post other than the main thread forum post (otherwise all the titles could be the same!).

Searching Forums:  (click here to return to top)

You can search a specific forum, a forum site, or the entire database. A query will search for the author, title, post, and date posted.

The forum search page displays two frames, one frame incorporates the forum and the other a search-input page. The search-input page has a input box for inputting queries, a button for submitting queries, and a optional button for displaying a exit button. The SearchOffButton can be set to text or an image. The scope of the forum search can be set with a property (see below).

When a user submits a query, a list of forum titles will be displayed that relate to the query. Only a limited number of forum titles will be displayed at once and the user can browse through the non-displayed ones through the NEXT and BACK buttons.

Selecting a query resulting forum title will display the forum in the forum window with the post at the top of the page. A user can respond to the forum post according to the forum settings of the displayed post. The scope of which forums will be accessible is set with a property.

To incorporate the search feature within a forum, you'll need to set some search properties within two supporting asp host files. The first host file manages the FrameSet file which controls the two frames used to display the search input page and the forums. The second asp host file manages the search-input page.

The Forum asp Host File
In order to provide the search page to visitors, you will need to set a property in the asp file that hosts your forum. EZsite Forum has been developed with performance in mind and uses no Session variables within the standard forum. The search feature uses a few Session variables and setting the ForumSearchOn property to true will enable the search option and the session variables.

ObjForum.ForumSearchOn = true

No other property or method needs to be utilized within the forum host file. You may want to provide visitors with a link to the search page from your forum page though. The example EZsiteForum.asp file has a link to the FrameSet asp file, this link changes the forum into a framed forum search page.

<A HREF="SearchFrameSet.asp" TARGET="_top">
<IMG SRC="graphics/SearchOn.gif" WIDTH=46 HEIGHT=14 BORDER=0 ALT="">

This example displays an image to visitors for linking to the FrameSet asp host file. Notice that the TARGET attribute has been set to '_top'. This is incase a user selects this option while already in the forum search page and avoids recursive framing.

Because EZsite Forum utilizes a Session variable to recognize when it is in search mode, some visitors may exit the search page through menu or other routs other than the search-page exit button. In these cases linking back to the forum page may display the last search forum rather than the default forum. To avoid this you can use a simple query string when writing links to your search enabled forum sites.

This query string will turn off any remaining session variables if the user did not exit with the exit search button.

Query string to add:     ?Search=off

Example:             EZsiteForum.asp?Search=off

Using the '?Search=off' attached to any URL linking your search enabled forum will ensure proper function and not interfere in any way with other functioning.

The FrameSet asp Host File
The example FrameSet file that comes with EZsite Forum is named 'SearchFrameSet.asp'. It contains 22 properties, which controls the frame attributes and reference asp pages. Of the 19 properties that pertain to the way the frames are displayed, the FrameSetWidth is the one that you will most likely need to change from time to time depending on where you want the search-input page positioned.

The search-input page is displayed at the top, bottom, left, or right of the window depending on how the SearchFramePosition is set. The default setting is 'Left' and the FrameSetWidth is set to 215 to accommodate this position. If you chose to display your search-input frame at the top or the bottom of the window, you may want to reset the FrameSetWidth property to a smaller width (in this case it's actually the height you want to adjust).

Besides these two page display properties, there are two more that will need to be set differently for each search forum you develop. The FrameSet asp host file needs to reference the two asp host files that occupy the frames of the search page. These two asp host files, the search-input page and the forum page, are set with the SeachFrameSource and ForumFrameSource properties respectively. If you are building a search page for a forum that is hosted within a asp file named 'EZsiteForum.asp', and you are also using a search-input asp host file named 'SearchInput.asp', then the following values would need to be set to the two file related properties:

ObjForum.ForumFrameSource = "EZsiteForum.asp"
ObjForum.SearchFrameSource = "SearchInput.asp"

The example SearchFrameSet.asp file shows all the properties you can set. All but the two file related properties are commented out and show the default settings that EZsite Forum comes with.

The FrameSet host asp file needs to call the SearchFrameSet() method. This method will initialize the frames according to your settings and inject the two search page frames with the forum and search-input files.

The Search-Input asp Host File
This host asp file manages the look and behavior of the search-input page. Of primary importance is the property related to the hosting forum file. The ForumFrameSource property, also set in the FrameSet host asp file, needs to be set to the asp file hosting your forum. Set this just like you did in the SearchForumSet.asp file:

ObjForum.ForumFrameSource = "EZsiteForum.asp"

Without this property being properly set, your search-enabled forum will not function.

There are 22 other properties you can set to control the search-input page. The SearchInput.asp example file shows all but two of these remaining 22 properties set to the default settings (they are commented out). The two non-default examples are related to the NEXT and BACK buttons that appear on the search navigation bar.

ObjForum.SearchNavBarNext = "<IMG SRC=""graphics/SearchNextBlack.gif"" BORDER=0>"

ObjForum.SearchNavBarBack = "<IMG SRC=""graphics/SearchBackBlack.gif"" BORDER=0>"

This example shows how to set these properties to display images rather than text. Notice that any quotes are escaped -- single quotes (") are written as double quotes ("").

The SearchNavLeftSide and SearchNavRightSide properties can be used to display text or images to the right or left of the NEXT and BACK buttons.

The MaxSearchReturn property will determine how many search result forum titles will be displayed at once -- the default is 10.

Using the SearchNotFound and SearchInputIntroMsg properties supports international languages. The values of these properties will be displayed at the start of the search-input page and when no results are found for a query.

To include an image or text as bullets displayed before each query result forum title, use the SearchListBullet. The default setting value is 'n', which will display numbers as bullets.

The SearchTitleWrap will wrap or un-wrap the forum title search result lines.

The scope of the forum search can be determined by the SearchScope property. This property can be set to three values: 'Forum Default', 'Forum Site', and 'Forum All'. This will search the default forum only, all the forums' within the forum site, and the entire database of forums respectively. This property defaults to 'Forum All'.

The SearchListTitleMax property will limit the length of the title forum result lines. If a resulting forum title is longer than the value of this property, it will be truncated and three periods (…) will be added to the end of the line.

The other properties are self-explanatory and relate to the cosmetic nature of the search-input page.

This page calls the ShowSearchInput() method to display the search-input page.

Query Results
Each query will not only find words or phrases, but any segment of a string within a word. So entering 'a' as a search query will list all forums that include the letter 'a' within a authors name, post title, post body text, or date (such as January). Because the query results can be lengthy, EZsite Forum will only list the first 10 query hits. The amount of records listed can be changed through the MaxSearchReturn property.

A navigation bar will display the current post titles found within a query and the total amount of query hits (11-21 of 73). Also displayed are NEXT and BACK buttons which can be used to list other query titles.

FORUM LISTS:  (click here to return to top)

Forum List Page
You can have a web page that provides a list of forums for a visitor to chose from. You can list the forums within the entire EZsite Forum or within a particular Forum Site. When a visitor selects a forum title from the list, they will be able to enter that particular forum. This is a good way to provide an archive of forums. When you create a new forum and make it the default forum for your site, the older forums will automatically be available from the forum list page.

To create a forum list page you need to create a host asp file that includes the following method:

Set ObjForum = Server.CreateObject("EZsiteForum.Forum")

By not including an argument within the ObjForum.ListForums () method, all the forums within EZsite Forum will be listed. You can include an EZsite Account ID as an argument to only list the forums within that forum site, e.g., ObjForum.ListForums (4). If you want to list the forums for the master administrative forum, use '1' as the Account ID -- as in the above example code.

The 'EZsiteForumList.asp' file is an example file that will list all the forums within EZsite Forum. This example file includes the properties that can be set in order to change the appearance of the list. Each forum list will include the name of the forum site and a list of forums. The forum list will take on the characteristics determined by the settings for the forum tree title, author, and date.

The characteristics of the forum list will be set with the following attributes:

'----- TREE TITLE FONT SETTINGS [also the text on the forum list]
ObjForum.TitleFontFace = "Verdana, Arial"
ObjForum.TitleFontSize = "2"
ObjForum.TitleFontColor = "navy"
ObjForum.TitleFontBold = false

'----- TREE AUTHOR FONT SETTINGS [also the author on the forum list]
ObjForum.AuthorFontFace = "Arial"
ObjForum.AuthorFontSize = "1"
ObjForum.AuthorFontColor = "#646464"

'----- TREE DATE FONT SETTINGS [also the date on the forum list]
ObjForum.DateFontFace = "Arial"
ObjForum.DateFontSize = "1"
ObjForum.DateFontColor = "#646464"

'----- TREE DATE SETTINGS [also on the forum list]
ObjForum.DateOn = True
ObjForum.DateFormat = "ddd, d mmm - hh:mm AMPM"

All the forums on the list will take on the attributes within the forum list asp file. Include any other forum properties you typically set from the forum host page to determine the appearance of the forums selected from the forum list.

Linking Back to the Forum List
In order to provide a way to link back to the forum list page, a link will appear above the displayed post so a visitor can browse an archived forum and then return to the forum list. You can set the caption of this link through the following property:

'----- EXAMPLE OF A "BACK TO FORUM LIST" LINK on forum list
ObjForum.BackToForumList = "Back to Forum List"

Feel free to include HTML text formatting tags within this property to alter the appearance of the link.

ObjForum.BackToForumList = "<FONT SIZE=1>&#171; Back to Forum List<BR></FONT><HR ALIGN=""CENTER"" WIDTH=""100%"" COLOR=""SILVER"" NOSHADE SIZE=""1"">"

FORUM BUTTON IMAGES:  (click here to return to top)

There are four buttons used for forum site visitors:

The 'Submit' button used to submit password information.
The 'Next' button used to go to the next page after entering a form post.
The 'Edit' button, use to edit a post before posting.
The 'Post' button, use to post a post.

You can either use a form button or a graphic image for these functions. To use a graphic image, set the 'ButtonImageOn' property to 'True'. Each image button has a corresponding property that you can set to your own image. EZsite Forum comes with three sets of buttons and will default to a set of navy blue buttons. To change the image used for a button, simply set its property to the images' URL.

'----- BY SETTING blnButtonImageOn TO TRUE,
ObjForum.ButtonImageOn = True
ObjForum.EditButtonImage = "graphics/ImageEditButton.gif"
ObjForum.PostButtonImage = "graphics/ImagePostButton.gif"
ObjForum.NextButtonImage = "graphics/ImageNextButton.gif"
ObjForum.SubmitButtonImage = "graphics/ImageSubmitButton.gif"

ASCENDING & DESCENDING THREADS:  (click here to return to top)

Descending Threads
EZsite Forum displays threads in ascending order by default. This was in unison with the 'discussion forum' style rather than the 'newsgroup' style. Now you can display threads in descending order (newer threads at top like newsgroups) either by selecting this option in the manager or by setting a parameter in your asp host file.

When selecting a forum in the manager, you can toggle back and forth between ascending and descending threads by clicking on the…

Change to Ascending Threads
Change to Descending Threads

…at the bottom of the page.

You can override this manager setting by placing the following code in the host asp file:

    Set ObjForum = Server.CreateObject("EZsiteForum.Forum")
ObjForum.DescendingThreads = true

Limit Number of Threads Displayed
Within the manager you can limit the number of threads that are displayed, both in the manager display and at the forum site. This allows EZsite Forum to provide ongoing discussions without spending time loading threads more suitable for archive posts. Just select the number of days from the drop-down list at the bottom of a forum page. Then click the Change Max Thread Days line to make the change.

You can also set this parameter from the asp host file by the following code:

    Set ObjForum = Server.CreateObject("EZsiteForum.Forum")
ObjForum.MaxThreadDays = 10

This code would only display threads with postings for the last 10 days and will override the setting from the manager.

Ending Thread Date
From the host asp file you can set the ending date for thread display. That is, the threads started later than the date set here will not display (although a post dated later within a thread will be included within the thread displayed). This is provided for those who want to do some creative asp coding themselves. You won't find this setting in the manager.

    Set ObjForum = Server.CreateObject("EZsiteForum.Forum")
ObjForum.ThreadEndDate = #10/30/98#

This code will show only those threads that were started before 10/30/98.

Setting this parameter will also effect the MaxThreadDays setting, as well as the Change Max Thread Days setting within the manager (which amount to the same thing). The maximum days will be referenced from the date in ThreadEndDate. Since the ThreadEndDate default date is the current day, not setting ThreadEndDate will cause the maximun days to be set from the current day.

Starting Thread Date
From the host asp file you can set the starting date for thread display. By setting this parameter within the asp host file, only threads with posts starting after this date will be displayed. This setting is not available from the manager. Setting this parameter also disengages the MaxThreadDays parameter set within the asp host and manager.

    Set ObjForum = Server.CreateObject("EZsiteForum.Forum")
ObjForum.ThreadStartDate = #9/30/98#

If this code is combined with the preceding ending thread date code, you would only display threads from 9/30/98 to 10/30/98.

Display Thread Dates
If you want to display the dates of the thread settings on your forum, just include the following code:

    Set ObjForum = Server.CreateObject("EZsiteForum.Forum")
ObjForum. DisplayThreadDates = true

This will show the thread date span above the posts.

You can also display the thread date span by writing asp code within your asp host file. Just make sure you include it after the ShowForum method call so the dates will be accurate.

This code will display Posts 9/230/98 to 10/30/98 when it is added after the ForumShow method.

Posts <% response.write(ObjForum.ThreadStartDate) %> to <% response.write(ObjForum.ThreadEndDate) %>

Response Submit Parameters
You may want to change the dimensions of the input fields of the response page where a visitor is submitting a post response. The following parameters can be set from the host asp file. Note that the MaxLength fields of the Author and Title fields can not exceed 25 and 100 respectively.

    '----- These properties control the input fields on the users
    '----- response page. The Author's MaxLength can't exceed 25
    '----- and the Title MaxLength can't exceed 100.
    ObjForum.SubmitAuthorMaxLength = 25
    ObjForum.SubmitAuthorSize = 25
    ObjForum.SubmitTitleMaxLength = 100
    ObjForum.SubmitTitleSize = 50
    ObjForum.SubmitResponseCols = 65
    ObjForum.SubmitResponseRows = 8
    ObjForum.SubmitResponseWrap = "VIRTUAL"

The SubmitAuthorSize and SubmitTitleSize set the length of the input fields of the Author and Title fields. The SubmitResponseCols and SubmitResponseRows set the columns and rows of the response text box.

SPLIT-FRAME FORUMS:  (click here to return to top)

You can now view forums within two different windows, the posts in one and the threads in another. You'll need three files to accomplish this, one htm file and two asp files.

The htm file is an HTML frameset file that allows you to format the two frames. Here is the example file of the frameset file:

<HEAD><TITLE>EZsite Forum (Frames)</TITLE></HEAD>         

<FRAME src="FrameTop.asp" name="top" FRAMEBORDER=0 scrolling="AUTO">
<FRAME src="FrameBottom.asp" name="bottom" FRAMEBORDER="0" scrolling="AUTO">

<!--********************** NO FRAMES MARKUP ************************-->
You have a browser that cannot render EZsite Forum frames


You can adjust the frames in various ways through HTML properties. It's important to note the two files assigned to the SRC property, FrameTop.asp and FrameBottom.asp. It's these two files that will provide the Post frame and the Thread frame.

Here is an example of the FrameTop.asp file:

<% Response.Buffer = true %>

<BODY BACKGROUND="graphics/Back1.gif" LINK="Navy" VLINK="Gray"><CENTER>

    Set ObjForum = Server.CreateObject("EZsiteForum.Forum")

    'ObjForum.DSN = "DSN=DSNforumSQL;UID=dougdean;PASSWORD=pw;"

    ObjForum.DisplayPosts = True
    ObjForum.DisplayThreads = false
    ObjForum.FrameSetURL = "FrameSet.htm"


Here the default forum of 'forum site' number 1 will be displayed, e.g. ObjForum.ShowForum(1). Notice that the DisplayPosts property is set to true in order to allow the posts to be displayed in this frame. The DisplayThreads is set to false to disallow the threads to be displayed in this frame since they will be displayed in the lower frame instead.

Here is the FrameBottom.asp example file:

<% Response.Buffer = true %>

<BODY BACKGROUND="graphics/Back1.gif" LINK="Navy" VLINK="Gray" ALINK="Fuchsia">

    Set ObjForum = Server.CreateObject("EZsiteForum.Forum")

    'ObjForum.DSN = "DSN=DSNforumSQL;UID=dougdean;PASSWORD=pw;"
    ObjForum.TitleFontBold = false

    ObjForum.AspFileTarget = "top"
    ObjForum.AspFileURL = "FrameTop.asp"
    ObjForum.DisplayPosts = False
    ObjForum.DisplayThreads = True

Here we do the opposite with the DisplayPosts and DisplayThreads properties for obvious reasons.

Setting two other properties are essential. Set the AspFileTarget to the name of the other frame, which was determined in the frameset file. In this example, it's set to 'top' (not to be confused with the HTML target property '_top'). This will direct all the threaded links to be displayed in the top frame.

The other property that needs to be set is AspFileURL. This also directs the threaded links to be viewed in the top frame with that particular file -- the one we set to be loaded in the top frame (also in the frameset file).

That's it, you can now have visitors quickly view posts without reloading the threads. This is particularly designed for heavily used forum in which limiting the dates of the posts are not desirable.

List with Split Frames Forums

To utilize forum lists with split frame forums takes four files and a few more properties. The file that will display the lists needs to be a typical forum list asp file (see forum lists for an example).

In this forum list asp file (ListFrame.asp is the example file provided) you will set the AspFileURL to the frameset which will be used, in our example it's ListFrameSet.asp. Our frameset example file is structured just like the example one above, but in this case we'll set the SRC properties to two other files that will support lists. The SRC properties are set to ListFrameTop.asp and ListFrameBottom.asp.

The ListFrameTop.asp file has one essential difference from the FrameTop.asp file example above. Notice the ShowForum argument:


The Session("ForumNumber")) argument allow the correct forum picked from the list to be displayed.

The ListFrameBottom.asp file must also have this ShowForum property to have the same argument. Along with this, it must also include the following property setting:

ObjForum.DefaultForumOff = true

This sets the forum from the list to be displayed rather than the default forum site forum.

APPENDIX A  (click here to return to top)

Forum attributes are set with object references placed in your host asp file. Here's a list of properties relating to the look and feel of the EZsite Forum. Simply place them between these two lines of code which create and displays a forum (in this case the administrative forum, number 1).

Set ObjForum = Server.CreateObject("EZsiteForum.Forum")



'=============== ATTRIBUTES ===============
ObjForum.TextTitleFontFace = "Verdana, Arial"
ObjForum.TextTitleFontSize = "2"
ObjForum.TextTitleFontColor = "NAVY"
ObjForum.TextTitleFontBold = True

ObjForum.TextAuthorFontFace = "Verdana, Arial"
ObjForum.TextAuthorFontSize = "1"
ObjForum.TextAuthorFontColor = "NAVY"
ObjForum.TextAuthorFontBold = true
ObjForum.TextFontFace = "Verdana, Arial"
ObjForum.TextFontSize = "2"
ObjForum.TextFontColor = "NAVY"
ObjForum.TextFontBold = False

ObjForum.PostButtonFontFace = "Verdana, Arial"
ObjForum.PostButtonFontSize = "1"
ObjForum.PostButtonFontColor = "NAVY"
ObjForum.PostButtonFontBold = True

ObjForum.TextDateOn = True
ObjForum.TextDateFormat = "dddd, d mmm - hh:mm:ss AMPM"

    '----- ROOT GIF
ObjForum.RootGIF = "graphics/RootGif.gif"
ObjForum.RootGIFOpen = "graphics/RootGifOpen.gif"
ObjForum.RootGifWidth = "12"
ObjForum.RootGifHeight = "10"
'----- TREE GIF's
ObjForum.TreeGIF0 = "graphics/tree16_0.gif"
ObjForum.TreeGIF1 = "graphics/tree16_1.gif"
ObjForum.TreeGIF2 = "graphics/tree16_2.gif"
ObjForum.TreeGIF3 = "graphics/tree16_3.gif"
ObjForum.TreeGIF4 = "graphics/tree16_4.gif"
ObjForum.TreeGIF5 = "graphics/tree16_5.gif"

ObjForum.TreeGifWidth = "12"
ObjForum.TreeGifHeight = "16"

ObjForum.ChoiceFontFace = "RED"
ObjForum.ChoiceFontBold = True

ObjForum.RootTitleFontFace = "Verdana, Arial"
ObjForum.RootTitleFontSize = "2"
ObjForum.RootTitleFontColor = "NAVY"
ObjForum.RootTitleFontBold = false

ObjForum.TitleFontFace = "Verdana, Arial"
ObjForum.TitleFontSize = "2"
ObjForum.TitleFontColor = ""
ObjForum.TitleFontBold = false

ObjForum.AuthorFontFace = "Arial"
ObjForum.AuthorFontSize = "1"
ObjForum.AuthorFontColor = "#646464"

ObjForum.DateFontFace = "Arial"
ObjForum.DateFontSize = "1"
ObjForum.DateFontColor = "#646464"

ObjForum.DateOn = True
ObjForum.DateFormat = "ddd, d mmm - hh:mm AMPM"
    'ObjForum.MaxTitleLength = 80
'objForum.PrivateSecurityOn = true
    '*********** FORUM INTERFACE (FOR INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGES) ***************
    '----- BUTTONS
    'ObjForum.NextButton = "Next"
    'ObjForum.EditButton = "Edit"
    'ObjForum.PostButton = "Post"
    'ObjForum.ResponseEdit = "RESPONSE EDIT:"
    'ObjForum.RespondTo = "RESPOND TO:"
    'ObjForum.YourName = "YOUR NAME:"
    'ObjForum.ResponseTitle = "RESPONSE TITLE:"
    'ObjForum.ResponseText = "RESPONSE TEXT:"
    'ObjForum.YourResponse = "YOUR RESPONSE:"
    'ObjForum.Respond = "RESPOND"

'============ INVALID ENTRIES ===========
    'ObjForum.InvalidName = "You must enter your name."
    'ObjForum.InvalidTitle = "You must enter a title."
    'ObjForum.InvalidResponse = "You must enter a response."
    'ObjForum.BackFromInvalid = "[Press your browsers back key to continue.]"
    'ObjForum.MemberName = "MEMBER NAME:"
    'ObjForum.Password = "PASSWORD:"
    'ObjForum.Submit = "Submit"
    'ObjForum.SavePassword = "Save Password"
    'ObjForum.GetRegistered = "Get a password by completing a registration form"
    'objForum.PasswordPageTitle = "EZsite Forum"
    'ObjForum.NameDuplicationNotice = "x- NAME DUPLICATION -<BR><BR>The name you entered is already on file,<BR>use the back key to reenter a different name.<BR><BR>"

    'ObjForum.ForumRegistrationTitle = "FORUM REGISTRATION"
    'ObjForum.ReEnterPassword = "REENTER PASSWORD:"
    'ObjForum.Required = "REQUIRED"

    'ObjForum.PasswordUnmatched = "Your passwords do not match."
    'ObjForum.PasswordUnderFive = "The 'Password' field must be<BR>at least 5 characters long."
    'ObjForum.MemberNameUnderFive = "The 'Member Name' field must be<BR>at least 5 characters long."
    'ObjForum.RequiredEmpty = "A required input field is empty."    

    'ObjForum.InvalidPrivatePassword = "Invalid 'Member Name' and/or 'Password'"

    'ObjForum.MonitoredPostNotice = "Your post will be posted after it is reviewed"
    'ObjForum.MonitoredForumTitle = "MONITORED FORUM"
    'ObjForum.MonitoredContinue = "Continue"
    'ObjForum.BeFirstPostNotice = "<BR>xPress the RESPOND link and be the first to post a response!<BR><BR>"
    '====== NEW FEATURES 12/1/98 ======================
    '----- Displays the date spand of the threads
    'ObjForum.DisplayThreadDates = true
    '----- Limit the threads displayed to the last 'n' number of days
    ' from the ThreadEndDate setting (default ThreadEndDate is today).
    ' This setting will override the setting in the manager
    'ObjForum.MaxThreadDays = 10 'only shows thread of last 10 days

    '----- Limit the threads displayed beginning at the date specified.
    ' This setting will override the MaxThreadDays setting in the manager
    'ObjForum.ThreadStartDate = #10/21/98#
    '----- Limit the threads displayed ending at the date specified.
    ' This setting will override the setting in the manager
    'ObjForum.ThreadEndDate = #11/30/98#
    '----- This will change the default of listing the threads in
    ' ascending order to descending order
    ' [Descending order lists the newer threads at the top.]
    ' This setting will override the setting in the manager
    'ObjForum.DescendingThreads = true
    '----- These properties control the input fields on the users
    '----- response page. The Author's MaxLength can't exceed 25
    '----- and the Title MaxLength can't exceed 100.
'ObjForum.SubmitAuthorMaxLength = 25
'ObjForum.SubmitAuthorSize = 25
'ObjForum.SubmitTitleMaxLength = 100
'ObjForum.SubmitTitleSize = 50
'ObjForum.SubmitResponseCols = 65
'ObjForum.SubmitResponseRows = 8
'ObjForum.SubmitResponseWrap = "VIRTUAL"
    '====== NEW FEATURES 12/18/98 ======================
    '----- BY SETTING blnButtonImageOn TO TRUE,
'ObjForum.ButtonImageOn = true
'ObjForum.EditButtonImage = "graphics/ImageEditButton.gif"
'ObjForum.PostButtonImage = "graphics/ImagePostButton.gif"
'ObjForum.NextButtonImage = "graphics/ImageNextButton.gif"
'ObjForum.SubmitButtonImage = "graphics/ImageSubmitButton.gif"

    '====== NEW FEATURES 12/29/98 ======================
    'ObjForum.DefaultForumOff = true
    ' You will need to have two additional supporting asp files.
    ' One supporting asp file will host a FrameSet and the other
    ' the frame in which the search page is displayed.
    ' - See the documentation for specifics.
    ' - The search option utilizes Session variables
    ' - It's best to link to a search forum with an additional
    ' query string attached. This will turn off any remaining
    ' session variables if the user did not exit with the
    ' exit search button.
    ' Query string to add: ?Search=off
    ' Example: EZsiteForum.asp?Search=off
    ObjForum.ForumSearchOn = true

    '====== NEW FEATURE ADDED 2/1/99 ==================
    '----- Advanced asp programmers may include their own post author name
    ' which will replace the text input box for entering the authors name.
    ' Escape quote marks if using HREF. Also increase the MsgAuthor in the
    ' MsgTable to 255 if using HREF's.
    'ObjForum.MsgAuthor = "<A HREF="""">authors name</A>"
    '====== NEW FEATURES 2/19/99 ======================
    '----- This property will keep tags from being effective within a post.
    ' A manager may still include working HTML tags by editing a post
    'ObjForum.HTMLtagsOff = true
    '----- This property determines the minimum length for the registered users name
    'ObjForum.MinUserNameLength = 5

    '====== NEW FEATURES 3/5/99 ======================   
    '----- Set this property to 'left', 'center', or 'right' to align
    ' the copy right notice at the bottom of the forum page
    'ObjForum.AlignCopyRight = "left"
    '----- If you don't want a visitor to login with a password and numbers
    ' name each time they respond to a post (with the registered and
    ' private types of forums), then set ByPassNextLogin to true.
    ' NOTE: This will create a Session variable so set it to false
    ' for public types of forums.
    'ObjForum.ByPassNextLogin = true
    '----- If you don't want a visitor to automatically go to the preview
    ' page after entering a post response, you can set the ByPassPreview
    ' property to true. If the ObjForum.ButtonImageOn property is not set
    ' to true, then two buttons will be displayed on the post response
    ' page. These buttons are 'PREVIEW' and 'POST', allowing the visitor
    ' a chose whether to preview or not. If the ObjForum.ButtonImageOn
    ' property is set to true, no preview choice will be given.
    ' You can set the caption of the PREVIEW and POST buttons with the
    ' PreviewButton and DirectPostButton properties.
    'ObjForum.ByPassPreview = True
    'ObjForum.PreviewButton = "Preview"
    'ObjForum.DirectPostButton = " Post "
    '----- The TABLE tags were corrected on the forum page.
    ' (extra <TR><TD> and a <TABLE></TABLE> were removed).


APPENDIX B  (click here to return to top)

Because there is a transition problem from
components compiled in VB5 and VB6, two
dll files are included. Follow the
instructions below and if the EZsiteForum.dll
fails to register, go through the same process
with the EZsiteForumVB6.dll. Contact me if neither

Your initial account name is 'Forum Site'
Your initial password is 'password'

Copyright 1998, Doug Dean Software & Consulting (formally Vision Software)

SECTION A = Register the EZsiteForum.dll and ODBC
SECTION B = Using EZsite Forum in you web pages


After unzipping '' you will have to do
two things to begin running EZsite Forum. [You must unzip
' in a directory asp access.]

1) Register 'EZsiteForum.dll' found in the Components
Register the EZsiteForum.dll' file found in the
Components directory which was created when
you unzipped the '' file.

You can register EZsiteForum.dll with 'regsvr32.exe'

Find the regsvr32.exe [typically in the

In the Run window type:
[path]/regsvr32.exe [path]/Components/EZsiteForum.dll

2) Use DSNForum as the DSN for EZsiteForum.mdb found
in the Database directory.
Run ODBC Data Source Administrator ['32bit ODBC']
found in the Control Panel.

Select the System DSN tab and press 'Add...'

In Data Source Name type DSNForum

Click the 'Select...' button and browse to
the 'Database' directory which was created when
you unzipped Forum. In that directory you can
select the 'EZsiteForum.mdb' file.


You can load the EZsiteForum.asp, EZsiteForum2.asp, or
EZsiteForum3.asp files in your browser to see demos using
EZsite Forum.

To create your own web page using EZsite Forum, simply
place two lines of asp code in the area you want to
display an EZsite Forum (using EZsite Forum in a Table
is sometimes best).

Here are the two lines of code that will display Forum:
    Set ObjForum = Server.CreateObject("EZsiteForum.Forum")     ObjForum.ShowForum(1)

See the EZsite Forum 'Documentation.doc' file for operating instructions.

APPENDIX C  (click here to return to top)

You can access the EZsite Forum manager by linking to the ForumManager.asp file provided in the main directory created when you unzipped the file. Like any other asp file, this link must be established through asp and not by using your browser to merely load in this file. If you are using pws, you can generally link through asp by using and then the root path of the EZsite Forum directory.

APPENDIX D  (click here to return to top)

All forum host asp files will need to begin with the following asp command:

<% Response.Buffer = true %>

This is so redirection back to the original forum can be successfully accomplished.

APPENDIX E  (click here to return to top)

Upsizing to Microsoft SQL Server.

MS SQL server can be used with EZsite Forum by doing the following:

1) Create a database named EZsiteForum.

2) Run ISQL_w and log into the server where the database was created.

3) Change the current database to EZsiteForum.

4) Open up the EZsiteForumSQL.sql found in the /database/ directory (use the File Open Menu).

5) Execute the query (green arrow or select the menu Query then Execute)

6) Finally create a DSN in ODBC which uses this database. Be sure to check the checkbox "Change the default database to" and set the default database to EZsiteForum.

7) Name the Data Source Name DSNforum. If you choose another DSN name, be sure to set the DSN property in the forum host asp file and ForumManager.asp.

Here's an example of setting the DSN within a forum host asp file:

Set ObjForum = Server.CreateObject("EZsiteForum.Forum")
ObjForum.DSN = "DSN=DSNforumName;UID=MyUserID;PASSWORD=MyPassword;"

APPENDIX F  (click here to return to top)

The FrameSet asp Host File Properties

'----- The following properties are those found within the
' FRAMESET and FRAME HTML tags except for three additional
' properties.
' The three extra properties are:
' SearchFramePosition = Where the search frame will be displayed.
' ForumFrameSource = The forum host asp file [forum frame].
' SearchFrameSource = The search host asp file [search frame].

    '----- FRAME SET --------------------------
'ObjForum.FrameSetWidth = "215"
'ObjForum.FrameSetSpacing = "0"
'ObjForum.FrameSetBorder = "1"
'ObjForum.FrameSetFrameBorder = "0"
'ObjForum.FrameSetBorderColor = "black"

    '----- FORUM FRAME STTINGS -----------------
'ObjForum.ForumFrameName = "Forum"
'ObjForum.ForumFrameMarginWidth = "10"
'ObjForum.ForumFrameMarginHeight = "10"
'ObjForum.ForumFrameBorder = "0"
'ObjForum.ForumFrameScrolling = "AUTO"
'ObjForum.ForumFrameReSize = true
'ObjForum.ForumBorderColor = "Black"

    '----- INPUT FRAME SETTINGS ----------------
'ObjForum.SearchFrameName = "Search"
'ObjForum.SearchFrameMarginWidth = "10"
'ObjForum.SearchFrameMarginHeight = "10"
'ObjForum.SearchFrameScrolling = "AUTO"
'ObjForum.SearchFrameBorder = "1"
'ObjForum.SearchFrameReSize = true
'ObjForum.SearchBorderColor = "Black"

    ' options are: top, bottom, left, right
    'ObjForum.SearchFramePosition = "left"
    ObjForum.ForumFrameSource = "EZsiteForum.asp"
    ObjForum.SearchFrameSource = "SearchInput.asp"


APPENDIX G  (click here to return to top)

The Search-Input asp Host File Properties

'ObjForum.DSN = "DSN=DSNforumSQL;UID=dougdean;PASSWORD=pw;"
ObjForum.MaxSearchReturn = 10
ObjForum.SearchOffButton = "<IMG SRC=""graphics/SearchOffS2.gif"" BORDER=0 align=top>"    
ObjForum.SearchButton = "<IMG SRC=""graphics/SearchOnL2.gif"" BORDER=0 ALT=""search"">"

'----- NAV BAR
ObjForum.SearchNavBarFontSize = "1"
ObjForum.SearchNavBarFontColor = "black"
ObjForum.SearchNavBarFontFace = "Arial, Verdana"
ObjForum.SearchNavBarNext = "<IMG SRC=""graphics/SearchNextBlack.gif"" BORDER=0>"
ObjForum.SearchNavBarBack = "<IMG SRC=""graphics/SearchBackBlack.gif"" BORDER=0>"
ObjForum.SearchNavLeftSide = ""
ObjForum.SearchNavRightSide = ""   
ObjForum.SearchNotFound = "Query Not Found"
ObjForum.SearchInputIntroMsg = "&#171; Enter a query &#187;"
ObjForum.SearchListBullet = "n"
ObjForum.SearchListFontSize = "1"
ObjForum.SearchListFontColor = "navy"
ObjForum.SearchListFontFace = "Verdana, Arial"
ObjForum.SearchListTitleMax = 50
ObjForum.SearchListNoWrap = false
ObjForum.SearchTitleBold = true

' Forum Default    (Searched just the Default Forum)
' Forum Site        (Searches all the forums within the Forum Site)
' Forum All (Searches all the forums within the database)
ObjForum.SearchScope = "Forum Site"

ObjForum.MaxSearchReturn = 10
ObjForum.SearchBoxSize = 18
ObjForum.ForumFrameSource = "EZsiteForum.asp"

APPENDIX H  (click here to return to top)


For advanced asp developers who have their own userID and password system, you can use your logged on user's names with the MsgAuthor property. This will place the user's name as a read only field on the post response page.

Here's an example of the MsgAuthor property:

ObjForum.MsgAuthor = "<A HREF="""">user's name here</A>"

(Notice the double quotes needed to escape the single quote.)

Typically the 'user's name here' would be supplied by a Session variable generated by the login system.